Destruction Method of Twins Stroller BR-C708S
Destruction Method of Twins Stroller BR-C708S
Step One: Confirm that the product you purchased is the twin stroller BR-C708S. The product is pictured below:
Recalled Besrey Twins Stroller in Gray and Black:
Recalled Besrey Twins Stroller in Gray:

Step Two: Remove the four wheels and dispose of them in the trash bin.
- How to Remove the Front Wheels: Press the button on the front wheel bracket while pulling the front wheel downwards, repeating the process on the other front wheel.
- How to Remove Real Wheels: Press the button on the rear wheel bracket while pulling the rear wheel downwards, repeating the process on the other rear wheel.
Take photographs of the removed wheels. Then, dispose of them in the trash bin.
Step Three: Cut the safety belt off the front and rear seats and the mesh on the backrest and take photographs of the cut stroller. Dispose of the discarded stroller in the trash bin. Please do not dispose of the wheels and stroller together simultaneously. This will help prevent others from picking them up and reinstalling them for use.
Step Four: Email photographs of the removed wheels and cut fabric to with the following subject line: “Stroller Recall Photos.” In the body of the email include your full name and the order number from your purchase, if available. A customer service representative will respond to proceed with your refund.